10 Reasons To Use Color
Color is an element of visual language that people process before they are consciously aware of it. It ‘pops out’ at viewers in the early stages of vision. Because color is a potent element of visual communication, we need to think through how and why we are using it.
Here are ten reasons why you might want to use color in your visual messages and displays. But first, please read this note about color and accessibility.1. Use color to speed visual search
Color coding often speeds up visual search |
Color coding is a way to convey information quickly, which
facilitates visual search. In this Washington D.C. metro map, as with
most schematic subway maps, color coded lines represent the different
rail lines. Visual searching occurs when we actively scan the
environment to locate a specific feature among many distractors. In this
case, color makes it easier to visually follow the path of a rail line,
speeding up the search process.
Illustrated book cover by Ed Emberly |
3. Use color to enhance meaning
Bright colors above represent something of value |
Our brains are compelled to find meaning, whether it is intended or
not. Because the eyes are attracted to bright and high-contrast
colors, viewers will derive meaning from something that stands out.
When you use color for emphasis, it’s like shouting that this object
or element has the greatest value. At the Lynda.com site, the bright
yellow is used to prominently display their most important message.
Color depicts the structure and "tracks" of a book |
Color is often used in technical documentation and textbooks to
convey structure. Each chapter might feature a different colored heading
and a block of the same color may appear on each page, making it easy
to distinguish between chapters. Another approach to color structure can
be found in the book, Designing for Small Screens.
Each chapter is organized into three sections, denoted by vivid colors.
The sections form three tracks running through the book, which is
described visually in the table of contents shown above.
Colors of Top Web Brands from colourlovers.com |
In the sphere of marketing and advertising, brand identity is the
visual essence of a business or organization. Visual identity is often
highly correlated with color through symbolism (see below). The chosen
color, in consort with other aspects of the design, has the potential to
project the entire flavor of the organization to the world.
Orange is associated with excitement and vibrancy |
Color elicits both cultural and psychological associations that are
symbolic of ideas, concepts and feelings. Context plays a part in color
symbolism, meaning that one color can have positive or negative
connotations depending on the larger framework. For example, although
blue is often associated with strength and optimism in Western
cultures, in another context it can be associated with despair and
frustration. The vibrant orange tones in the painting above express the
energized tension of the bullfight.
The wise use of color can improve usability for everything from everyday objects to wayfinding. Consider the glaring red medical waste bags in a hospital, lab or doctor’s office. They help ensure that healthcare workers will deposit infectious materials into the correct container. This concept translates well to the digital world. In user interfaces, color informs users of the most important functions and areas of the screen. For example, in the administrative panel of the Thesis WordPress theme, the large green button (and unusual text) ensure users won’t ever have to wonder how to save their selections.
8. Use color to communicate mood
Two moods expressed through color |
9. Use color to show associations
Color indicates relationships |
10. Use color to express metaphors
Metaphorical language in color |
Verbal language is filled with metaphors for color that translate
well to visual language. Feeling blue, seeing red and green with envy
are common expressions that are easily decoded from an illustration or
graphic. In this example, the green facial features against the
crackling green sky leave no question that this woman is filled with
Source:Understanding Graphics
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